History of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka History is incident full. Being an important trade port and oasis of Nature for sea farers of China, Arabia and Europe of the ancient times. Sri Lanka has a fascinating documented history over 2500 years of Civilization. The most valuable source of knowledge for the legends and historical heritage of Sri Lanka is the Mahavamsa (Great Genealogy or Dynasty), a chronicle compiled in Pali, in the sixth century.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Panduwas Nuwara - 504 BC - 474 BC

King Paduwas Dev ruled the country for 30 years, keeping the Upatissa Grama as the Capital. He was married to an Indian princess who was a close relative of great monarch King Suddhodana. They had ten sons and a one daughter, the famous princess Unmada Chithtra. King Paduwas Dev built the first reservoir in the Island, known as Abhaya wewa.